‘Is It Okay to Swim Alone?’

swimmerSwimming is a risky activity. There is always the possibility that something can go wrong. Controlling that risk can mean the difference between a pleasant time and a disaster.

Generally, swimming alone is fine as long as the person is an adult, an experienced swimmer, is familiar with the pool, and there aren’t any other extenuating circumstances.

Grownups Only

Adults are more responsible than children. But they also are more experienced. They realize that if something unexpected happens, then it’s time to stop swimming and take a break.

Children, on the other hand, aren’t always able to make rational decisions on their own. They can easily be too caught up in the moment of the excitement to notice when something goes wrong.

That’s why children should never be allowed to swim unsupervised, even when they are swimming in a group. There should always be a grownup nearby, if not there watching them at all times.

Experience Matters

An experienced swimmer knows his or her limits. They also are less likely to go into the deep end of a pool for too long without supervision.

Inexperienced swimmers who aren’t confident in their ability to stay afloat should never risk going into a pool unsupervised, even if they are wearing floating devices. There’s just too much at stake.

Swim Only in Familiar Pools

If you are unfamiliar with a pool, it’s not a good idea to swim in it unsupervised. Pools at country clubs, hotels, and other facilities that you may not be completely familiar with can have potential dangers you may not be expecting, such as depths or chemical imbalances.

Extenuating Circumstances

You should never swim alone if you have been drinking or immediately after eating a big meal. It’s also a good idea to stay out of the water if you are feeling unwell or are prone to having muscle cramps.



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