How Long Can You Keep Your Pool Open this Fall?

The dream house 21Summer is officially over and fall has arrived in South Florida. So how long can you expect to keep your swimming pool open?

In the north, most pool owners living in cold weather climates start to think about closing their pool right around Labor Day. After all, there are no guarantees that the warm weather is going to last any more than a couple of more weeks.

But in South Florida, the hot weather is likely to stick around a lot longer. And that means that there is no rush to close your backyard swimming pool.

Pool Service Fort Lauderdale — Keep the Fun Going

The warm temperatures last much longer in South Florida. Some winters, they can last all the way up to Thanksgiving or beyond.

Depending on where you live, you could experience weather warm enough to swim outdoors for weeks or even months to come. So there is little reason to think about closing your pool now.

Instead, a better plan is to keep an eye on the weather forecast. Once Florida weather changes, it happens fast. When the cooler temperatures arrive — usually around mid- to late October — you know it’s time to shut down your pool for the season.

Pool Service Fort Lauderdale — Call to Make Your Appointment Early

While the weather never really gets that cold in South Florida, once it starts to cool off the busy season starts for pool services as homeowners call to make their appointments to shut down their pools.

Don’t get left behind. Call to make your appointment with AquaBuddy Pools as early as possible. Our professional, experienced pool technicians can safely close your pool for the season and ensure that it is in optimal condition when it’s ready to be reopened in a few months.

Fall is in the air. Get ready for winter by making your pool closing appointment with AquaBuddy Pools today.




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