Daily and Weekly Pool Cleaning Tips

Pool Service Fort LauderdalePools are a wonderful luxury to have, but they also require regular maintenance and care. If you want to continue enjoying your pool for years to come, then you should ensure you are taking proper care of it. This includes daily and weekly cleaning that keep your pool working correctly. Some tasks can be handled by a pool service Fort Lauderdale, but there are still going to be tasks that you have to handle on your own.

Daily: Check Your Filter and Skimmer Baskets

You should check your filter, skimmer baskets, and pump traps for any build up. Clear out any debris, including leaves or grass. You want to keep the skimmer or pump circulating smoothly, to prevent a buildup of algae.

Skim the surface of the pool each day. Use a basic leaf skimmer to remove leaves and debris from the surface of your pool. You should do this each day, as it will keep additional debris from reaching the pump trap.

You could probably leave the bottom of the pool for the pool cleaners. They will be equipped with pool vacuums and other tools for doing a thorough job of cleaning your pool out. You can just focus on the basics – removing debris from the surface of the pool and the skimmer baskets or pump traps.

Weekly: Test Your Water

Once per week, use water testing kits, including a pH level kit, to test your water. You should also test your water after a heavy rainfall. If you do not feel comfortable with adjusting the chemicals yourself, then you can wait for the pool cleaners to examine the water levels.

Hire a Professional Pool Service in Fort Lauderdale

A professional pool cleaning service will perform all of the regular maintenance that is necessary to prevent damage to your pool and make sure everything is working properly. They will thoroughly clean your pool, examine the filters and mechanical equipment, and double check the chemical levels.

With a pool service Fort Lauderdale, you can lay back and relax, knowing that your pool is taken care of.



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